Morphological description (show/hide)
erect, semi-tubular-digitate, bushy, irregularly branching | orange-red, orange-brown, yellow-brown, purp | at base of surface conules, 1-2mm diameter, sessile | mucusy, soft and friable, fragile, compressible, a little spongy | scattered surface conules, fibrous, shaggy, opaque | reticulate, anastomosing light fibres, cored with pauci- to unispicular tracts of subtylostyles, fibres nearly dendritic in places, fibre skeleton composed of primary and smaller secondary fibres, detritus present in some fibres and abundant in mesohyl, heavy mesohyl collagen | Long fibres ascending from the choanosome form tendril-like projections past the surface of the sponge. The fibres are embedded with paucispicular tracts of fine subtylostyles. Fine pauci- to unispicular paratangential tracts of subtylostyles are found supporting the large ascending fibres. | Subtylostyles - long, thin (254-282 x 2-4 um) | Anisochelae (22-32 um) (sometimes Nil), Sigmas (48-54 x 2 um) (sometimes Nil) |