Morphological description (show/hide)
Flabellate, planar, stipitate, to occ. Cup-shaped, symmetrical. | Pale orange alive, grey-brown preserved.. | Large pores on face of fan, esp. near base. | Firm, barely compressible. | Microscopically micropapillose, prominent stellate subdermal striations, grooved. | Dense, confused reticulation of oxeas (robust), little spongin fibre but mod. heavy fibrillar collagen between spicules in mesohyl, choan. oxeas confined but subect. styles form ascending plumose tracts. | No real ect. organization although ect. oxeas abundant in bunches, long subect. styles protrude through surface. | Choan. Oxeas (176-275 x 4-11um), subect. styles long, sinous ofr curved (478-830 x 2.5-5 um), ect. oxeas (108-164 x 1.5-3.5 um), echinating spicules absent. | nil. |