Record #195: Characella pachastrelloides

Taxonomic Information from World Porifera Database

Entrez cross-database search for Characella pachastrelloides

Specimen Information

Submitted asCharacella pachastrelloides
locationBrattholmen, Hjeltefjord, Norway (60° 24' 60'' N, 5° 5' 60'' E)
byChristoffer Schander
Voucher numberZMBN 80248
Voucher locationBergen Museum, Norway
Preservation methodEthanol 96%
Identified byPaco Cardenas
Morphological description (show/hide)
Additional informationThe purple stains on the ethanol fixed specimen are due to an encrusting sponge: Hexadella dedritifera Topsent, 1913.
Reference (show/hide)

in situsectionspicule prep

Associated DNA Sequences

Sequence #1068CO1Genbank HM592672
Comment: Folmer fragment
Sequence #106928S, 5' fragmentGenbank HM592778
Comment: C1-D2 domains