Record #193: Poecillastra compressa

Taxonomic Information from World Porifera Database

Entrez cross-database search for Poecillastra compressa

Specimen Information

Submitted asPoecillastra compressa
locationLangenuen, Western Norway (59° 53' 60'' N, 5° 31' 00'' E)
byH.T. Rapp and O. S. Tendal
Voucher numberZMBN 77932
Voucher locationMuseum of Bergen, Norway
Preservation methodEthanol
Identified byH.T. Rapp and O. S. Tendal
Verifieddate6th of July 2006
byPaco Cardenas
Morphological description (show/hide)
Additional informationThe picture of the specimen shows the oscule side.
Reference (show/hide)

in situsectionspicule prep

Associated DNA Sequences

Sequence #211CO1 FolmerGenbank EU442192