Record #1697: Spheciospongia solida

Taxonomic Information from World Porifera Database

Entrez cross-database search for Spheciospongia solida

Specimen Information

Submitted asSpheciospongia solida
locationKaneohe Bay, Oahu Island, Hawaii, U.S.A. (21° 25' 48'' N, 157° 47' 24'' W)
byLaura Nunez Pons
Voucher numberHIMB_UPDM-SPO2_25
Voucher locationUniversita Politecnica delle Marche, Italia &
Preservation methodEtOH
Identified byLaura Nunez Pons
Verifieddate1st of January 1970
byBarbara Calcinai
Morphological description (show/hide)
Additional informationColour in part given by a rich Symbiodinium (Zooxanthellae) population living symbiotically within the sponge pinacoderm and choanosome

in situsectionspicule prep

Associated DNA Sequences

Sequence #1857CO1 Folmer & ErpenbeckGenbank KY565307
Sequence #1866ITSGenbank KY565270