Tubular, clubbed shaped sponge, widening in the distal part and again narrowing toward the small osculum |
brown |
Small apical osculum |
Rough appearance due to the large tangential triactines |
Reduced, small tetractines in the the atrial wall and small v-shaped triactines with one ray almost completely reduced that occur scattered in the choanosome. Some large tetractines similar to the cortical ones appear to very rarely be present in the lower part of the choanosome. |
Large tangential triactines and rare large tetractines with their apical ray reaching into the choanosome. |
Cortical triactines (variable in size, 296 - 587 -846 um (n=10). Cortical tetractines up to e.g. 742 um (basal actines) or e.g. 856 um (apical actine). Small choanosomal tetractines, choanosomal V-shaped reduced triactines of similar size like QM G323253. |