Morphological description (show/hide)
partial specimen, ca. 4 x 5 cm | white | Soft | Clustered diverticuli around a central tube | Triactines and tetractines support the central tube. The walls of the diverticuli are supported by tangential traictines and tetractines. | Not differentiated. | Central tube: regular triactines with cylindrical actines, parasagittal equiangular triactines with cylindrical actines and longer unpaired actine, similar tetractines with reduced apical actine and few regular tetractines with cylindrical actines of the triradiate basal system, with curved apical actine. Diverticuli: regular cylindrical triactines, parasagittal to sometimes sagittal cylindrical triactines, longerunpaired actines, shorter paired actines, mostly proximally slightly curved, parasagittal cylindrical tetractines with often reduced apical actine, longer unpaired actine shorter paired actines, mostlyproximally slightly curved rare regular cylindrical tetractines with a curved. |