Morphological description (show/hide)
Dense mass of anastomosing tubes, 1-2mm diameter, no large space between tubes, cormus 2x3cm, flat | white | brownish | No oscules visible macroscopically | Soft, easy torn | Smooth | Irregular layer of triactines, less than 20um thick. Triactines are tangentially orientated, but not densely packed, with some space between their actines. Their actines sometimes overlap, so that a few triactines (mostly not more than three) are stacked above each other, mostly they are irregularly arranged. The skeleton appears to be predominantly uniform throughout the cormus. | Not differentiated. | The spicular skeleton consists of only one type of triactine, with no differentiation and/or zonation of spicules between different parts of the skeleton. The majority of triactines (actines: 150-(175.16)-230x10-(13.7)-20um), are regular and possess cylindrical actines with a more-or-less blunt tip, few triactincs are slightly parasagittal (angles between actines are equal, but one actine is slightly shorter). Smaller triactines, with more conical actines, are also found, representing young, growing triactines. |