Record #1577: Leucetta villosa

Taxonomic Information from World Porifera Database

Entrez cross-database search for Leucetta villosa

Specimen Information

Submitted asLeucetta villosa
location W Pacific, Australia, Great Barrier Reef, Wi (23° 29' 24'' S, 151° 52' 48'' E)
byGert Wörheide
Voucher numberQM G313662
Voucher locationQueensland Museum
Preservation methodEthanol
Identified byGert Wörheide & John Hooper
Verifieddate25th of November 2015
byGert W?rheide
Morphological description (show/hide)
Additional informationHolotype. Aquiferous system asconoid. Genbank Accession covers a larger fragment of the gene. Description modified from Wörheide and Hooper (1999).

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Associated DNA Sequences

Sequence #172528SGenbank JQ272295