Record #1080: Phycopsis epakros

Taxonomic Information from World Porifera Database

Entrez cross-database search for Phycopsis epakros

Specimen Information

Submitted asPhycopsis epakros
locationStn. 247, Baie Kouo, Canal Woodin, SW. lagoon (22° 23' 05'' S, 166° 49' 02'' E)
byLaboute, P., ORSTOM Noumea
Voucher numberG300016
Voucher locationQueensland Museum Brisbane
Preservation methodEtOH
Identified byJohn Hooper
Verifieddate1st of January 1970
byBelinda Alvarez
Morphological description (show/hide)
Additional informationHolotype of Ptilocaulis epakros Hooper & Levi 1993
Reference (show/hide)

in situsectionspicule prep

Associated DNA Sequences

Sequence #1099CO1 FolmerGenbank JQ034579