Record #1055: Neofibularia hartmani

Taxonomic Information from World Porifera Database

Entrez cross-database search for Neofibularia hartmani

Specimen Information

Submitted asNeofibularia hartmani
location "Great Barriere Reef" Vanua Levu, Fiji (16° 18' 50'' S, 178° 54' 36'' E)
byMenou, J L and Butscher, J
Voucher numberG324632
Voucher locationQueensland Museum, Brisbane
Preservation methodEthanol
Identified bySutcliffe, Patricia
Verifieddate15th of April 2011
byMitchell at al. 2011, Zootaxa
Morphological description (show/hide)
Reference (show/hide)

Associated DNA Sequences

Sequence #1072CO1 FolmerGenbank JF773145