Record #1053: Sigmaxinella hipposiderus

Taxonomic Information from World Porifera Database

Entrez cross-database search for Sigmaxinella hipposiderus

Specimen Information

Submitted asSigmaxinella hipposiderus
locationBig Horseshoe (West Bank),Tasmania (38° 6' 53'' S, 149° 21' 23'' E)
byWilliams, A CSIRO SS200404
Voucher numberQM G323175
Voucher locationQueensland Museum, Brisbane
Preservation methodEtOH
Identified byMitchell, Kirsty
Verifieddate15th of April 2011
byMitchell, Hall & Hooper 2011
Morphological description (show/hide)
Additional informationAwaiting AphiaID and chromatogram for the new species
Reference (show/hide)

in situsectionspicule prep

Associated DNA Sequences

Sequence #1070CO1 FolmerGenbank JF773147