Morphological description (show/hide)
small, spherical, tennis-ball shaped, with basal holdfast, large oscular pits (porocalyces with numerous oscules). | rose-pink (occasionally mauve) in life, rose- | single or several porocalyces all over upper surface. | hard, slightly compressible, spiky, tough. | opaque, membranous, slightly hispid, depressions (porocalyces), fleshy in situ spiky surface in air (explodes). | discrete multispicular tracts of thick megascleres (oxeas) radially arranged, mesohyl collagen dense, lightly pigmented rusty-red, slightly granular, contains abundant sigmaspires and clusters of minute crystalline structures. | hispid with tips of large oxeas protruding, singly or in bundles, heavy collagen more heavily pigmented than choanosome, sigmapires near surface. | oxeas: large, 2 classes, 1, with stepped ends, 1200-3300 _ 10-50 um, 2, long, thin, wispy, ~5000 um, anatriaenes: rare, 2700-5000 _ 15-20 um, protriaenes: rare, 2700-5000 _ 15-20 um. | microxeas: slightly curved, 200-250 _ 2 um, sigmaspires: 8-15 um. |